
to the Book Nook.

Grab a cup of coffee or tea, curl up on the couch or vintage armchair you spent way too much money on, and join me as I share with you some of my favorite and latest reads!


The Wild Ones

Written by Nate Johnston, this book was a catalyst in the healing and understanding of my unique purpose as a prophetic voice. Giving words to those who have been wounded, misunderstood, rejected, and also those who have wrestled the religious spirit, Nate's personal experiences and revelation of the Father's heart is sure to encourage, equip and edify your prophetic walk with the Lord.


Danny Silk's heart of forgiveness, patience and compassion is what kept me reading this book. Following him through the revelation of the Father's heart in repentance and moral failure, he gives words to those who have struggled at times to forgive and move on from past offenses. I believe this book will both challenge and champion you to release the status quo of the "punishment paradigm" to embrace restoration that Jesus died for.

Purpose and Calling

Hind's Feet on High Places

Much-Afraid is the perfect name for a character that can identify with so many of us within the body of Christ. Fear, loneliness and pride have held many back from engaging with the Lord in a beautiful journey He offers to us in hopes to restore and revive us to our original design. Packed full of beautiful allegory and convicting moments of grace, Hind's Feet On High Places deserves an A+ on my grading scale!


Has the American dream veiled our eyes from the revelation of true wealth and purpose in Christ? David Platt seems to think so, and his book Radical is an engaging and convicting book of seeing through the eyes of Gospel truth in the midst of a consumerism-saturated culture. Many Christians feel ill-equipped to take on the task of "missionary", often feeling they cannot pay the price of leaving behind the things of the world and move to a desolate place overseas. Platt challenges us to see beyond our fears and see how to impact the lives of others today, in this present moment where we are at.

Faith and Wonder

Birthing the Miraculous

Wild to some and looney to others, Heidi Baker takes you on an adventure in her book which is sure to challenge your doctrine and ignite your heart for miracles, signs and wonders. Known to be unchained to the fear of man in her meetings, Heidi has carried a heart for the orphans of the world, both in the earthly realm and from the spiritual perspective. Follow her throughout her journey as a missionary and mother to many, learning just how intricately the Lord is involved with the details of our lives.

Chasing The Dragon

Deep within the darkness of Hong Kong, lives a woman who dedicated her life to the restoration of drug-addicts who desired more than the life they settled for. Surrounded by gangs, drugs, sex-slavery and chaos, Jackie chose to believe that God cared as much for those people as He did His own Son. Establishing homes to help restore and rehab those seeking Jesus, she confronted one of the most powerful forces against the people of Hong Kong; apathy.

Creation and Creativity

Nature Anatomy: THe curious parts and pieces of the natural world

Author and illustrator Julia Rothman takes you on an adventure of exploring cycles in nature, interesting animals and plants as well as the intricacies of what makes our earth so unique! With adorable illustrations, easy to read captions, and breathtaking colors, Rothman's book is sure to delight both young and old readers!

The Hidden Life of trees

Join German forester Peter Wohlleben as he explores the wonder of communal living amongst trees. Trees having senses like humans? Sounds silly, until evidence proves otherwise! With scientific purpose, compassion and hope, Wohlleben delights his readers with the revelation of just how intricate and delicate nature's systems are, down to the very last fungi.


Ways to Worship

Worship is more than just singing on Sunday mornings! Worship is honoring and reverencing the Lord in ALL things! A lifestyle of worship should be fun and meaningful, both for children and adults. By choosing to put Jesus first in our lives, we say no to passivity and engage with Heaven to adore the King! With practical scenarios, Ways to Worship shows children how simple and beautiful it is to have relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Scriptures have been referenced on each page to provide more opportunity for meditation in the Bible. From eating meals, to enjoying nature, let's put the wonder back in worship!

My Best Friend, Holy Spirit

Ashley Davison takes your children on a delightful journey of recognizing, engaging and discovering the unique relationship we as Believers have with the Holy Spirit. With colorful illustrations and prophetic activations, your child is sure to receive an impartation and revelation of the Spirit, one page at a time!

"Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book."

John Green

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