From creation to the Cross, the earth has been awaiting the Sons of God.

Ever since I was a little girl, I had a fascination with nature. I'd often play make-believe in the woods behind our cul-de-sac, pretending I was an animal or a survivalist. I'd look forward to the camping trips our small church would host for the youth each year, delighting in the simplicity of cooking over a fire, sleeping with a thin veil of nylon between myself and the great outdoors, listening to owls and the scurrying of creatures in the night.

In elementary school I loved the class projects on animals, and in high school became fascinated with environmental science and conservation. Those were desires and dreams of mine that slowly faded overtime as I made room for marriage, military life, family and expectation from culture about motherhood and being a woman.
The wonder was replaced with worry. The purity with performance. the delight with disappointment. But deep within the shadowed places of my heart was a small seedling which continued to reach towards the weak lighting coming through the cracks of a hardened heart. 

In the beginning, God created...

In 2020, I returned to the Lord and entered into seasons of unraveling. My heart was stripped of many things and left bare as I clung to the Lord in desperate need of reassurance, restoration, and revival. As my heart began to heal, small glimpses of these past dreams and delights came through dreams, visions, and impressions throughout my days and nights. The most unlikely of them, the dream of conservation and husbandry grappled and warred against the religious spirit.

Why does creation matter?

Why when people are dying from hunger, and Christians are being killed for their faith, do trees or coral reefs matter?

The answer can be found through scripture and in the revelation of the Father's heart. From the beginning of creation, God had CREATED man to take dominion over the earth, tending to it and cultivating it. The earth in return would provide food, water, and shelter. Our basic needs were met through God's sovereign wisdom, and by losing sight of the wonder of creation, we've lost sight of our Creator.

To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves. —Mahatma Gandhi

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