If you knew I would catch you, how far would you jump?

    Oh, I would jump so far..

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A broken heart, a timeless lover, and a reawakening...

If I had a movie written about the past few years of my life, that's what the opening would say. If you were to ask me who Jesus was to me, I'd say seriously, "He's a wild One." Courageous. Passionate. Jealous. Gentle. He's my Lion. There's been so many lost to the slavery and confusion of religion and traditions of men, and for many of us Believers, it took a great shaking to wake us from our slumber.

Four years ago, my world came crashing down figuratively, and literally during the 2020 scam-demic. I'd been abandoned and shamed, juggling incredible fear and contempt of the unknown. I was shell-shocked, angry, terrified. What started as begging before a God I barely knew for the restoration of my marriage, turned into a wild ride of unraveling, wonder, and restoration of my own heart that had been unknowingly closed off for many years.

This journey has been full of wild beasts and enemies, unfamiliar territory, and great loss which brought forth incredible revelations of a God who I once believed was far off and couldn't be bothered.

What makes us bold? it's knowing you're loved and delighted in by an all-powerful, never changing Father.

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of lights [the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens], in whom there is no variation [no rising or setting] or shadow [a]cast by His turning [for He is perfect and never changes].- James 1:17

From abandoned to embraced.

from alone to known.

from fear to faith.

from orphan to home.
meet audrey

we value

Husbandry of God's creation 

From the beginning of creation, God has CREATED man to take dominion over the earth, tending to it and cultivating it. The earth in return would provide food, water, and shelter. Our basic needs were met through God's sovereign wisdom, and by losing sight of the wonder of creation, we've lost sight of our Creator.

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Start the Revolution

From the fight against sex trafficking to farming, creative arts to commerce, Believers across the nations are pursuing the Kingdom of Heaven through time, resource, prayer and partnership.

Have a heart for activism, stewardship, and creativity?

Coming soon!

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